<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=454479291403716&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1"> St. Albert Spotlight - The Perron Clock Tower

St. Albert Spotlight - The Perron Clock Tower

The Perron Street Clocktower on the corner of Sir Winston Churchill Avenue and Perron Street has become a symbol for St. Albert in the few short years since it was erected. It has gained so much notoriety that some residents may be surprised this it is only just approaching it's 20th birthday. 

The clocktower was built in 1995 by volunteers and group of structural engineers from the University of Alberta. Materials were donated and the actual cost to the city of St. Albert was less than $50,000. It was originally proposed as a research project to study the behaviour of masonry when faced with different climactic changes. The original plans called to build this 21 metre tower leaning a bit to one side, but the mayor of St. Albert at the time wouldn't allow it. 

It has recently had modifications to implement more modern testing equipment and gather more data. In addition to being a beautiful landmark in the city of St. Albert, the studies it made possible have proven quite effective. Data collected over the years has been even used to modify Canada's Building Code.
